The following are poems that I have written or have found reflect how I feel at times. I have found that this is an excellent means for me to express how I feel, what I think, and what I have seen, and even state some of the things that have happened to me that I can't speak.. I also wanted to share with you some songs that I love and that have given so much meaning to me, and encouraged me during the times when I have felt isolated and despaired as to what life has given to me, as well as make them my prayers of my heart |  |

There's a Reason For every pain, that we must bear, For every burden, every care There's a Reason For every grief, that bows the head For every teardrop, that we shed There's a Reason For every hurt, for every plight For every lonely pain racked night There's a Reason But if we trust God, as we should It will all work out for our good He knows the REASON!! (author unknown) The Foot of the Cross Fearing the battle was over and I'd already lost the war, I was tired of trying and failing. I just couldn't fight anymore. So, dragging my battle scarred body, I crawled to the foot of the cross. And I sobbed, "Oh please, Father forgive me. But I tried....I tried...and still lost" Then the air grew silent around me, and I heard His voice just as clear as the dawn: "Oh, My child, though you are tired and weary, you can't stop, you have to go on". At the foot of the Cross, where I met Him, At the foot of the Cross, where He died, I felt love, as I knelt in His presence. I felt hope, as I looked in His eyes. Then He gathered me lovingly to Him, as around us God's light clearly shone. And together we walked through my lifetime to heal every wound I had known. I found bits of my dreams, long forgotten, and pieces of my life on the floor. But I watched as he tenderly blessed them, and my life was worth living once more. I knew then why I had not grown. At the foot of the Cross came the answer: I'd been fighting the battle alone. At the foot of the Cross, where I met Him, At the foot of the Cross, where He died, Then I knew I could face any challenge together--just my Lord and I. (author unknown) Hiding I hide myself behind walls so thick that even raging giants couldn't break through to me, if they tried And all the while I sit on the other side, between two worlds, both of which seem unreal. Reality is only a thing from which to run away...create a world of laughing smiles. Inside, you're crying all the while, and so within my soundproof walls, I hide myself away. Why let people in to know you? Friendships only end in hurt. A broken heart is hard to mend with band-aids and betadine. Inside the scar's still there...And so I hide behind my wall, a clown with colour painted face. It covers up the tear stained cheek, But never can erase. In my corner, cocooned within the unreality of who I am and who they think I am, I sit. But somewhere, deep within my soul, Buried with memory's debris, I discover I've lost each minute part of what was once called "me". My hiding game suited me so well, But now, Has turned into my private hell - without reality.. A. R.D. 1992
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Songs Jesus Lover Of My Soul Jesus, lover of my soul Jesus, I will never let you go You've taken me from the mirey clay Set my feet upon the rock, and now i know I love You, I need you though my world may fall I'll never let you go My saviour, my closest friend I will worship you until the very end I Believe I'm reaching out 'Cause i know there's a better way I walk by faith I believe in a better way I'm holding on, holding onto you I'm singing out 'cause I've heard all the angels say I can't hold back 'Cause I know You will come one day I'm holding on, holding on to you I believe I'm sanctified, restored I believe I believe Forgiven and transformed I believe I believe I'm righteous and reformed I believe Oh yes my God I beleive The Stones Been Rolled Away I've been forgiven I've been set free restored and Sanctified In Christ I've been released And I am free The stones been rolled away I've been delivered I've been released Been washed and purified My God has set me free I've been released The stones been rolled away Singing Glory The Power of Your Love Lord I come to You Let my heart be changed, renewed Flowing from the grace that I've found in You And Lord I've come to know the weaknesses I see in me Will be stripped away by the power of Your love Lord unveil my eyes, let me see You face to face The knowledge of Your love as you live in me And Lord renew my mind as Your will unfolds in my life In living every day by the power of Your Love Hold me close Let Your Love surround me Bring me near draw me to Your side And as I wait... I'll rise up like the eagle And I will soar with You, Your Spirit leads me on In the Power of Your Love